Department of Economics

Vision Statement:
Our vision is to provide learner centric transformative experiences with respect to intellectual, ethical and socio-cultural behaviours which will create human resources who can contribute to the society at large.

Mission Statement:
M1: To provide knowledge and skills to compete in the global economic environment.
M2: To provide research based contemporary and future focused courses to meet the dynamic realities of the region.
M3: To create globally competent human resources by building vibrant industry- academia bonding and collaboration with different sectors.
M4: To nurture the human values and society by inculcating value centric approach of learning.

About the department

The Department of Economics at Girijananda Chowdhury University is one of the strongest departments having faculty members who have keen interest in research and proficiency in providing extensive knowledge on a broad range of fields related to Economics. The Department of Economics of Girijananda Chowdhury University currently offers four programs i.e.  B.A in Economics, M.A in Economics, M.Sc in Economics and Ph.D in Economics. 

An economics department refers to a specific division within an academic institution, such as a university or college, that is dedicated to the study and teaching of economics. The department focuses on the analysis of how societies allocate scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants and needs. It offers a range of courses and programs that explore economic theories, principles, and applications.

In an economics department, students have the opportunity to study various aspects of economics, including microeconomics (the study of individual economic agents such as households and firms), macroeconomics (the study of the overall economy and its aggregates like GDP, inflation, and unemployment), econometrics (the application of statistical methods to economic data), and specialized areas such as labor economics, international economics, development economics, environmental economics, and more.